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Kondolenz schreiben

Ilse Zimmergestorben am 8. April 2024


Silke Kohlpoth
schrieb am 2. Mai 2024 um 12.05 Uhr

Wir werden dich immer in unserem Herzen behalten. Auch wenn wir die letzten 17 Jahre am anderen Ende der Welt gelebt haben sind wir uns nie fremd geworden und die vielen schönen Erinnerungen kann einem keiner nehmen. Ruhe in Frieden
Silke & Achim ❤️❤️


schrieb am 2. Mai 2024 um 11.48 Uhr

Life Well Lived
A life well lived is a precious gift, of hope and strength and grace, from someone who has made our world a brighter, better place.
It's filled with moments, sweet and sad with smiles and sometimes tears, with friendships formed and good times shared, and laughter through the years.

A life well lived is a legacy, of joy and pride and pleasure, a living, lasting memory our grateful heart's will treasure.



schrieb am 2. Mai 2024 um 11.46 Uhr

My heart breaks to know that you have gone but I knew deep down your time had come. We had a strong bond and deep connection that developed as time went on, sharing interests: from the love of nature, your potato salad and schnitzel and Colorabi, all things creative, music and the sharing of the past and fond memories.
Since my Oma passed, you, my great aunt, became like a second Oma to me, although in distance, never apart; be it that evening 'guten nacht', 'slarf schon' call to the happy weekend morning Gif text. You brightened up my days, brought happiness and laughter to me and all who know you with your smile, wit and kind hearted affection for others. You will always be that most beautiful flower in the garden, that rose amongst the thorns.

You were always so very special to me, someone so wonderful and true and although time may fade, to me your memories will stay packed in a special place in my heart. Thank you for being you and all that you brought to my life. Never will I forget you, you will always hold a special place in my heart, in my garden of happiness, deep in my soul, I thought the world of you.
What we have once enjoyed we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us. How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.
Loved and missed always from your Reanne.